

Wojciech Wiewiórowski meeting with Dariusz Standerski, Deputy Digital Affairs Minister of Poland, Brussels, Belgium

Wojciech Wiewiórowski taking part in the Data Protection Day Reception organised by the Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union, the Council of Europe, CPDP and the European Data Protection Supervisor, Brussels, Belgium

Privacy by Design Japan Conference 2024, Speech by Leonardo Cervera Navas: Regulation of AI, Brussels, Belgium (via a video link)

Privacy Camp 2024, Wojciech Wiewiórowski in panel Bark and bite: effective enforcement of privacy and data protection in times of turmoil, Brussels, Belgium

Participation of Leonardo Cervera Navas in a dinner reception in the context of CPDP Conferences, Brussels, Belgium

New Year's Reception organised by the European Commission, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center, (via video link)

Plenary Session of the EDPB, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

20th Anniversary of the EDPS, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

Wojciech Wiewiórowski meeting with Mr Peter Hustinx, Mr Joaquin Bay Delgado and Mr Christopher Docksey, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mrs Meritxell Borràs i Solé, Director of the Catalan Data Protection Authority, Brussels, Belgium

New Year's Reception at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the EU, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mrs Lela Janashvili, President of the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia (PDPS), Brussels, Belgium

30th Anniversary of the AEPD, Participation of Leonardo Cervera Navas, Madrid, Spain

Inaugural Meeting of the European Data Innovation Board, Participation of Leonardo Cervera Navas, Brussels, Belgium (via a video link)


Plenary Session of the EDPB, Participation of Wojciech Wiewiórowski, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mrs Mar España, President of the AEPD and Mrs Rita Wezenbeek,  Director at DG CONNECT, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mr Lloyd Whitman, Senior Director, and Mrs Stephanie Wander, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships at the Atlantic Council GoeTech Center, Brussels, Belgium (via a video link) 

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mr Brando Benifei, MEP, Brussels, Belgium

Leonardo Cervera Navas meeting with Mr Ricard Martínez Martínez, Director of the Chair of Privacy and Digital Transformation, and Mr Alma Virto, Institute on Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC), Brussels, Belgium